Who are the Writers Behind this Blog

Hello again friends and welcome to our blog. You might have already read our first post that explains the content of this blog and provides helpful writing tips for multiple genres, and if you haven’t, what are you waiting for?

Rather than summarise and explain again what this blog is about, we thought it might be nice to use this post to tell you more about ourselves and what inspired us to create this site.

Our Story

This blog is operated by multiple people, aspiring writers and such. We all met at university where we naturally studied English literature and creative writing. We weren’t particularly close the first two years, but we became quick friends when we were assigned into a group tasked with researching the forgotten European female writers of the Middle Ages.

This project not only brought us together, it also opened our eyes to the injustice that women writers have faced and still continue to face all over the world. We knew that women from that period had little access to education, with only those part of the nobility or the Church receiving formal education, but we didn’t realise how many of them were accomplished writers.

The reason why we didn’t know that is because there are barely any records of their existence and many of the works have tragically been lost to history. The average person might believe that women were simply not interested in writing prose or poetry because they cannot name a single female writer from the era.

Our discoveries were bittersweet; on one hand, we were happy to learn about these talented writers, and on the other, we were upset that this newly-gained knowledge is at best considered obscure, and that these women’s works would remain outside the mainstream.

Why We Made the Blog

One of the reasons why we made the blog is because we want to make literature more easily accessible and to popularise it, so our descendants have easy access to works written by underrepresented groups in society, much like those penned by Medieval women.

The other main reason is again based on our life experiences. Being a writer is hard; always has been and always will be. Still, the hardest part should be the writing itself, but it’s usually not – it’s being noticed by publishers and building a profitable career that would not necessitate having another “real job”.

We like to think that we have garnered some success in the field of professional writing, and we want to share our thoughts and experiences with you, so as to remove the obstacles we faced and make it easier for new writers to establish themselves.

You probably noticed that our blog mainly discusses the Canadian publishing industry. We wanted to focus on it because we have intimate knowledge of it that could benefit fellow Canadians. Still, we hope that our foreign readers can also learn a thing or two from our articles because one’s publishing options can be very similar in today’s global world.

Thank You

Thank you for reading about our story and for supporting our blog by regularly checking the available articles. We hope that we can be of help and we will attempt to provide you with fun and informative guides that could improve your writing and your chances of being published in Canada (or elsewhere).